Friday, June 24, 2011

Literary Giveaway Blog Hop

Welcome to the Jamaican stop on the Literary Giveaway Blog Hop, which is being hosted by Judith at Leeswammes’ Blog.  The hop starts on Saturday, June 25th and lasts until Wednesday, June 29th.  I’ll be giving away Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (which is a wonderful read) and the rules are simple.

1.  Follow this blog
2.    Fill in the form below
3.    Tweet for an additional entry (optional)
4.   Please complete the form below.
5.   I will contact the winner via email and expect to hear back within 48 hours. If not, I’ll pass the book along to the next person in line.

Have fun and enjoy your visits with the other hosts.

Book Blurb
In nineteenth-century China, in a remote Hunan county, a girl named Lily, at the tender age of seven, is paired with a laotong, or "old same," in an emotional match that will last a lifetime. The laotong, Snow Flower, introduces herself by sending Lily a silk fan on which she has written a poem in nu shu, a unique language that Chinese women created in order to communicate in secret, away from the influence of men. As the years pass, Lily and Snow Flower send messages on fans, compose stories on handkerchiefs, reaching out of isolation to share their hopes, dreams, and accomplishments. They both endure the agony of footbinding and together reflect upon their arranged marriages, shared loneliness, and the joys and tragedies of motherhood. The two find solace, developing a bond that keeps their spirits alive. But when a misunderstanding arises, their deep friendship suddenly threatens to tear apart.


  1. Joy..this book sounds great. Will check it online.

  2. It is a wonderful, wonderful read. I can't say enough good things about it.

  3. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

    My mom has been sick, so I never got around to signing up to participate in the Literary Giveaway Blog Hop. I've started a monthly giveaway on my blog, so right now I've got a June Giveaway going on this month at my blog, and I'd love to invite you to stop by and throw your name in the hat for Anna and the French Kiss! It's a US giveaway only this month, but next month, I'll be offering an international giveaway for a $25 Amazon card!

    If you follow my blog, let me know. I always follow back.

  4. This has been on my TBR for a long time! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  5. Deb, thanks. I'm international, but I'll be around to visit.

    Col, good luck!

  6. This is a great book (read it twice). Just wanted to stop by to visit as I am on the blog hop tour as well. Hop you have a chance to stop by, and will enter my giveaway.

  7. Parrish and Diane, thanks for dropping in. Catch you later.

  8. Tweet!/QuixoticWeetzie/status/84687472000376832


  9. This book sounds interesting. Thank you for this chance! :D

  10. I've already read this, so I'm not entering, but I'm happy to have found your blog!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! Book sounds great.

  12. i would love to read tis book=]

    tweeted it here

  13. Hiiii! Thank you so much for the giveaway!!


  14. Thanks for your generosity, and for participating in this blog hop! :)

    GFC Follower: ~Enamored Soul~
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

  15. Thanks for the great giveaway:) I'm a GFC follower: Identity Seeker

    I tweeted:!/SweetNSensible/status/86132406440034304

  16. Thanks to everybody for entering! Not feeling well, so will post the winner tomorrow.


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