Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Amazon and Distraction - A Winning Combination

To each of us, friendship involves different things…sacrifice, keeping of secrets, support and a wonderful sense of belonging. Of course, there are highs and lows, but for many of us, friendships span long periods of time. 

Welcome to the Friendship-is-Forever tour for my latest release, Distraction. There will be sixteen stops in thirty days in a variety of locations. From Australia to Mexico and South Africa to the USA. We'll even do a stint in Austria.
Join me as I share my belief that Friendship-is-Forever through posts that focus on special people and how they impact our lives. 

There's a very special gift for all participants. At the end of my blog hopping, one person will receive a personalized note pad and pen and an Amazon gift card, with a second winner of a paperback copy of Distraction. Do do stick around and drop in for updates. Before you go, remember to fill in the Rafflecopter below.

The following bloggers have generously agreed to host Dionne, Justine and Kyra on their world tour to share friendship as they see it. Many thanks, guys. Can't wait to visit! 

So remember how I asked what comes before Distraction? Hop on over to Peaches' blog, Conceive Writing to find out and get this party started! 

August 15 – Peaches Ledwidge (USA)
August 17 – HartJohnson (USA)
August 20 – ArleeBird (USA)
August 22 – Clarissa Draper (Mexico)
August 24 – BevDiehl (USA)
August 27 – DelaneyDiamond (USA)
August 28 - Susan Oloier (USA)
August 29 – Misha Gericke (South Africa)
August 30 - Mina Burrows (USA)
August 31 - Micheal Offutt (USA)
September 3 – Kiru Taye (England)
September 5 – Nick Wilford (Scotland)
September 7 – Myne Whitman (USA)
September 10 – A-Z Challenge Blog (USA)
September 12 – Denise Covey (Australia)
September 13 - Liz Grace Davis (Austria)
September 14 – Wendy Ewurum (South Africa)
September 17 – Return to home base (Jamaica) 

Three Jamaican women walk a tightrope of decisions when their lives are derailed by blackmail, deceit and infidelity.  
JUSTINE CHARLES, sensible and self-contained, battles an addiction which could destroy her marriage, reputation, and relationship with her daughter.

DIONNE JONES, an aggressive go-getter, takes risks that cut a trail of devastation through her family and business.

KYRA MILLS, struggling single mother, is crippled by debt, bad judgment and destructive choices.

Can two of the long-time friends survive startling relationships involving their partners? And will the other push her obsession to the point of danger? 

Buy on Amazon
Other Books by J.L. Campbell 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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