Thursday, October 1, 2015

Vic & Mona - A Couple in Crisis

I've been waiting for Vic's story and I wasn't disappointed. After twelve years of marriage, his wife Mona has grown resentful of his long hours as Chief of Surgery and the fact that he's basically missing-in-action on both marital and parental fronts.

Vic finds it difficult to understand that Mona needs more than the generous trappings his paycheck provides, and that's how the discord in their marriage escalates. When Mona rebels, Vic does the unthinkable to try and save his marriage.

In Mona and Victor's story, I was able root for both of them because they are both likeable people. At times, I thought Vic was clueless, but that's the mark of a nicely-drawn character. The book explores – among other themes - the need inside each of us to have something to call our own, something we excel at, and it's that something Mona reaches for when things turn difficult.

It was good seeing the members of the Stafford family again and I look forward to Nick's romance.

Source: Purchased via Amazon


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